What Do Political Theorists Listen To?
This message was mandated: GET AS MUCH RENT SPACE IN SEVERAL JAIL CELLS FOLLOWING SECOND OFFENSE--Searching for a standard vision takes the lengthy approach(ment), however sanctity is full of holes. We should feel comfort that the Democrats control the United States Congress; the trauma of sublimated war-time is transferred to the phantasy of painless liberalism. Shall they be called the Recollecting 90's, the decade that attempted to collapse a century into singularity? Never previously has a society possessed such a detailed account of itself, documenting such a wide array of its historical foundation. This has not yet taken into account theories of hegemony; the point is that the record exists. The record exists and it is hard to decipher who is recollecting.
Expertise, that delightful form of academic and 'manual' fetishism, serves a twofold paradoxical purpose: 1) To coagulate; to create condensed volumes, 'readers,' literary overviews, guidebooks, manuals (disclosures of work-knowledge)--those conveniences that benefit the limits of time and energy. 2) To expand technical knowledge of areas of expertise through research and experimentation. The same principles guided the development of the nineteenth and twentieth century's "historically conscious" musical innovations (examples of which might include Wagner, Stravinsky, Bergson, Xenakis, Miles Davis, Henry Cow, &c.). It may be possible to elaborate a politically endeavorous account of 19th and 20th C. musical history, considering sonic recordings as objects of philosophical and socio-political inquiry.
Labels: historical, musical, political, theory
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